Monthly Traffic
What do web hosting providers mean by saying ?monthly traffic??
The monthly traffic function is sometimes called info transfer or bandwidth as well, however all of these terms have to do with the very same thing - what amount of information can be transferred to and from your cloud web hosting account. The site traffic can be generated in two ways, the more noticeable one being web site visits. If somebody loads your site, their Internet browser requests and downloads the pages from your website hosting server then displays them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is produced from your web hosting account. Because this characteristic includes the total web site traffic, not just the site visits, you shouldn't forget that incoming traffic is measured as well. This means that site content and other files that you upload to your account using a file manager or an FTP application are measured towards the account quota. The transfer is usually checked every month and the counter resets on the very first day of each month irrespective of your actual signup date.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting
We have selected the functions of our
cloud web hosting plansin a way, to facilitate the success of any kind of web site hosted on our superior cloud system. The site traffic that your account can produce makes no exception, as a result with a website hosting package from our company, you will not need to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any moment. You can host many small and medium-sized websites and ensure that your monthly traffic allowance will not be a setback for their growth. We also offer you detailed monthly, daily and hourly statistics which will give you additional info for the site traffic that a given site produces or what kind of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates most of the traffic. This type of info will help you organize the supervision of your websites along with your marketing strategies better.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our
semi-dedicated server plans are very powerful and you can run several websites from a single account. The monthly website traffic characteristic suits that power, which means that what you will get is a hosting account with truly unrestricted information transfer. As a result, your web sites can grow as much as it's possible with this type of website hosting and you can get as many website visitors as you want. For enhanced web site and account management, you're given the option to see view how much website traffic each of your sites generates, still we will never set a restriction. For your benefit, you can see monthly, daily and hourly statistics as well as the particular web pages that are visited most often, and files that are downloaded the most. When you use our semi-dedicated hosting packages, you will never concern yourself with reaching any traffic restriction so you're able to concentrate on improving your web sites and receiving more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting
The monthly traffic quota for our
Linux VPS web hosting is proportionate to the other server’s system resources. If you aquire a more powerful server, it is more likely that you will manage a very popular web site or even several web sites, hence there will be a lot more visitors. By reason of this, the higher plan you obtain, the larger monthly traffic allowance you'll have. We will inform you whenever you reach 90% of that amount, so you will have sufficient time to take action and either upgrade your package or optimize your sites and decrease the site traffic that they make before the counter resets the following month. When you decide to update, this can be done from your billing Control Panel and with just a couple of mouse-clicks. You'll even be able to keep track of the amount of website traffic your server has already made and what amount is left before you reach the monthly restriction. This information is available in the VPS control panel where you're also able to reboot your server and check out the usage of all other resources for example hard disk storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Taking into account how powerful our
Linux dedicated servers hosting are, the data transfer that you will have every single month will be enough for any type of website whatever the amount of its visitors, even if you offer image or file hosting. You'll get a quota of terabytes of site traffic each and every month and given that you will not share the server with others, that allowance will be supplied just for your web sites and web apps. We will contact you whenever you reach 90% of the allowance so you'll be able to react and either optimize your web sites to decrease the website traffic they generate, or extend the limit. It's highly unlikely that you may ever need more than what we will give you, but we won't restrict the development of your websites, so we leave the option to add extra website traffic open. The dedicated server plans include a management panel where you'll be able to see what amount of website traffic has been generated to date for the present month and how much is left until you reach the restriction. Considering the fact that these figures feature software setups as well as any updates, they are more correct compared to any hosting Control Panel statistics that include only the website traffic made by web sites.