Increased CPU quotas

Extra power for your web applications and sites

If standard shared web hosting accounts are unable to accommodate your CPU hungry web sites, than a semi-dedicated server is simply the answer for you. With LuisArts Network, you’ll get a Linux semi-dedicated server with massive CPU usage quotas that’ll be equipped to hold your sites and applications and stop them from going down in high usage moments.

And also, since you only share the server with a few other users, even if somebody surpasses their specified CPU quota, this isn’t going to impact the overall performance of the web server.

Increased CPU quotas

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All Linux semi-dedicated servers are accommodated in our state-of-the-art USA based datacenter located in Chicago, Illinois. It was one of the very few US facilities that made it possible for us to install our customized internal network as well as the only one that could supply the hardware we wanted in due time. It also has an excellent service team, which is at hand 24/7/365.

Another great advantage of LuisArts Network’s USA based datacenter is that it offers great network connectivity with the rest of the planet. Thanks to that, all US Linux semi-dedicated servers are going to experience the best site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Website Control Panel

All the handy site settings that you demand in one location

Control your sites with just a click of your mouse working with our in–house built easy–to–use Free Web Applications. It features a drag–and–drop File Manager, an all–inclusive Domain Manager for all your domains (you may easily modify your WHOIS info and NS settings, lock/unlock and shield your domains, activate custom DNS records, etcetera), a quick Mail Manager (you can forward your e–mails, activate anti–spam shielding and SPF protection, make autoresponders and email filters, and much more), a Database Manager for maintaining a variety of MySQL/PgSQL databases, a thorough statistics interface and a large number of innovative resources.

Website Control Panel

Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables without problems

Due to the modern server segregation technology developed by our administrators, we’re able to assign an abundant amount of database requests to your websites. This will help you sustain multi-media websites with significant databases that’ll be visited continuously by a substantial amount of customers. Should you have a busy database driven site that is growing on a daily basis, it is recommended that you take into account relocating to a Linux semi-dedicated server well before you start exceeding the quotas on your shared web hosting system.

Increased MySQL queries

Web Accelerators

A very easy method to quicken up your sites and web apps

The Site Acceleration Tools (Varnish, Memcached and Node.js) an integral part of the Free Web Applications, can greatly increase the speed of your powerful websites. They’re built to cache the info on your sites and therefore reduce the number of requests to the data base host or the Application Programming Interface (API). This will help your websites open much quicker than before and will allow you to get more delighted customers, which, in turn equals very low bounce numbers.

Web Accelerators

Remote MySQL Access

Communicate with your databases distantly

Typically, a data base can solely be reached by sites that are created in the same web hosting account as the data base. However by using our Remote MySQL attribute, you can enable data base access to any other hostname that you want. This could be handy if you own various e–commerce stores and want to share a purchaser data base among each of them

Remote MySQL Access

Faster Performance

Your sites will now load considerably faster

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting guarantee a a lot quicker performance for all of your sites. The networking data transfer has been increased to ten Gigabits so as to greatly enhance the networking connections and to make all of your sites load much faster. Additional servers have been added to simplify server upkeep actions and to minimize troublesome service interferences and downtimes. Our semi-dedicated hosting use NVMe hard drives, which are considerably more durable and faster as compared to the conventional HDDs used by a lot of website hosting suppliers.

Faster Performance

24x7 Support

Contact us night–and–day

You can get in touch with us 24x7 with any requests that you could possibly have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Don’t hesitate to let us know via email and by the ticketing system and we’re going to respond to you in approximately 60 minutes. Actually, our standard answer time period is as low as twenty minutes. On trading days, you could call us or use the real–time messaging program on our website.

24x7 Support

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Twice safeguarded semi-dedicated hosting

By organizing software applications, email messages and databases on multiple machines rather than only 1, we’ve assured a whole lot more reliable website hosting area for your web–based profile. At the same time, we have reduced the servers’ susceptibility to hack/DDoS assaults that can possibly take down the entire server on an ordinary shared web hosting system.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security