Online Statistics Manager
All of your web site activity reports compiled in real time

The detailed web analytics figures inside your Website Control Panel will help you keep an eye on virtually all actions on your websites. You’ll receive up–to–the–minute information about the load generated in your web hosting account as well as the site traffic they have on an hourly, per–week and per–month basis. You will also find more information concerning our system in general like the actual IP address, the OS, the editions of PHP and MySQL and more. All the information is categorized in areas as a way for you to find it.
Server Data
Look at specifics about your server
If you want to see what’s the current version of PHP or MySQL or the OS of the server where your hosting account is found, simply go to the Server Data part of the Website Control Panel. There you can also find information regarding the running Perl modules, the incoming and outbound mailing servers, and the physical IP address your hosting server.
You can find the web hosting server details table in the Stats area of the LuisArts Network Website Control Panel.
Access & Error Logs
Receive details about your web sites’ effectiveness
Utilizing the info gathered in the Access & Error Records area of the Website Control Panel, you’re able to detect virtually any possible problems with the operation of your web sites. The access records will reveal all kinds of files such as texts, images and video clips that were looked over by your visitors as the error listing will capture virtually any cautions and faults that have happened throughout their stay on your web site.
You can easily download the access and error record files for each of your working sites from the Online Statistics Manager part of your Website Control Panel.
Web Traffic Reports
Keep track of your site visitors live
Supervising the website data of your website is the ideal way to discover how your online strategy works. Through the Website Control Panel enclosed online data applications – Webalizer and Awstats, you can view the quantities of viewers that flock to your website, along with the volume of hits they make and pages they visit on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
To review the stats info, go to the Website Statistics part of the Website Control Panel and open the statistics file for a certain domain. It is not necessary to set up anything on your end. We start the stats as soon as your website comes on the web and begins attracting visits.
CPU Stats
Monitor your sites’ CPU load
The host’s CPU is important for the connection between your website and its visitors. The more sophisticated and resource–absorbing your websites are, the more server resources and CPU time will be needed. Through the CPU statistics section, you can easily observe which exactly website is using the largest amount of CPU assets.
You need to undertake steps to improve your websites in case the CPU usage quota is reached. You can see in–depth reports for each day and month or for a full calendar year.