Optional Managed Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you’re very busy working on your web site or developing your web apps, you rarely have time to keep an eye on what is happening with your Virtual Private Server – whether it is overloading or if all the tasks are running the way you expect them to. With our Optional Managed Services deal, we’ll take care of this on your behalf. Your server will be included in the custom–built monitoring software system and each time there is a trace of a trouble, our server admins will be warned automatically.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • When you manage a high–profile website or a resource–demanding web app, it is of essential importance to have a complete backup copy of everything. Still, configuring an automatic backup system is quite challenging. That is why our company offers you our Optional Managed Services deal – we pledge to maintain a complete backup copy of your Linux VPS web hosting, not just of your websites and data, but also all the custom modifications that you have created. Our backup scripts are run each and every week, preserving all the modifications that you have made during that time.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • With a Linux Virtual Private Server, you will have absolute freedom to install any kind of script or service on your server. However, some scripts are more difficult to install and may require some additional configuration from you. That’s where our Optional Managed Services solution can help you out. It features half an hour of installation & troubleshooting procedures – this means that you’ll be able to literally employ one of our expert server admins for 30 minutes and have him assist you with the installation process of any kind of software program that you need. And/or have him fix a problem that you are having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Optional Managed Services deal comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers and it is an optional feature for our KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers.

Avalable with all our Virtual Private Servers