When you build a brand new site, it’s essential to get the best style and design for it. With the LuisArts Network Website Control Panel you can do that really quickly. We have now for you a variety of over 800 completely unique site designs obtainable for free. They’re presented with every one of our cloud hosting accounts and are thoroughly customizable.

The majority of LuisArts Network’s themes are fashioned exclusively for our solutions and are not available any place else outside the Control Panel. As a result the chances to discover another person with similar theme just like you will be extremely low.

800+ No Charge Themes

Completely customizable. Automatic Installing

With our Control Panel you can find a selection of 800+ no charge themes. They all are made for someone who desires to swiftly set up a completely new site by having a customizable template, while not having to expend numerous hours searching a great deal of theme galleries on the internet.

Our templates are derived from the most typical types of web sites – blogs, portfolio pages, user discussion forums, sites of non–profit groups, e–stores, business web sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

No Charge Application Themes

Get no charge themes for your next app

With the tools you have in front of you within the LuisArts Network Control Panel, it’s easy to begin a new Joomla site or possibly a WordPress blog on your own. It’s also possible to decide on a nice looking layout for your web site out of a large selection of easy–to–customize themes.

You can obtain a new unique template when using the following web applications: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). The templates are working with all versions of the aforementioned web apps and can be installed at no cost at any time.

Free App Themes

No Charge Site Builder Themes

100+ perfectly customizable no charge themes

With the Free Web Site Generator, it is easy to build your upcoming site totally free, and not have to waste any money on website development. You’ll have at your fingertips over 100 one of a kind website templates, which are available in different styles and colors and which you may change and customize as you wish.

It is not necessary to understand anything regarding HTML or CSS in order to modify the look of one’s templates. You can utilize the integrated editor to accomplish all the work. If you’ve utilized a text–editing application, you should have not an issue working with the editor.

Free Site Builder Themes