Commonly customers check only the features they'll get with a specific cloud web hosting plan and forget something just as essential - the service uptime. As good as a plan could be, frequent downtimes may lead to lower search engine rank and lost customers no matter what the reason for them may be. Of course, very few people would come back to a site which is not available 1 / 2 of the time, not mentioning the wasted capital if you have invested in an advertising and marketing campaign. This is why, whenever you buy a new web hosting plan, you should make sure that the service will be stable and your sites will be online constantly. This means more traffic, or in case you have an online store, for instance, better uptime would mean more satisfied customers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting
When you get a cloud web hosting plan through us, we ensure that your Internet sites will be working at least 99.9% of the time. We have virtually got rid of the server downtime by using an innovative cloud hosting platform in which separate groups of web servers deal with each aspect of the overall service - files, databases, emails, and so forth. In this way, when there is an issue with a server, the other web servers in the cluster will simply take over and your websites won't be affected in the slightest. To prevent any infrastructure troubles, we additionally have diesel-powered backup generators and several independent Internet providers. Skilled admins keep an eye on the servers 24/7 to correct any software problems that may appear while hardware and software firewalls shall prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We guarantee 99.9% uptime for every single semi-dedicated server package purchased through our company. Forget about your Internet site being inaccessible for whatever reason because we use a top-notch cloud web hosting platform with a custom-built load balancing system. As opposed to managing everything on one server and risking one service to take everything down, we have spread the various services among their own groups of web servers. Basically, your files, database, email messages, stats, and so on, are handled by independent clusters, therefore the failure of one web server will have no impact on the overall service or on your websites. A variety of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators guarantee that infrastructural problems won't affect your web sites either. We've got software and hardware firewalls and an experienced team of administrators to keep track of the incoming and outgoing traffic and to respond to every single software issue 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting
The server uptime will never be a concern when you get a virtual private server through our company. The physical web server in which your account is going to be created will be up and running a minimum of 99.9% of the time including repairs and maintenance procedures, therefore you’re able to take advantage of a speedy and really stable Internet hosting service all of the time. To prevent any potential for service disruptions, our data centers use a number of Internet providers and powerful diesel generators to ensure that nothing will affect the adequate work of your websites. We have a team of skilled admins that will resolve instantly any software issues that might appear, while hardware problems are avoided with the use of new and carefully tested server parts and hard drives working in RAID. In the eventuality of DDoS attacks, we've got software and hardware firewalls to filter the unwanted traffic to your server.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
While we are unable to control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software and / or script-driven apps you install on it or how frequently you reboot it, we can ensure that it’s accessible no less than 99.9% of the time. Your web server is going to be located in our state-of-the-art facility in downtown Chicago and its uptime and availability is going to be guaranteed by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no blackouts or any other infrastructural problems will affect the proper functioning of your internet sites at any time. Our professional crew of system admins will make sure that if your server freezes for some reason, it will be restarted right away. To prevent any chance of malfunctions, we will give you a web server with new and diligently tested hardware components to make sure that your Internet sites will be working no matter what.